Nursing and Surgical Technology

The information contained in the advisement webpages are for general purposes only.

Important Notice: 麻豆影视 complies with the federal law, FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act). Students calling this office by phone need to comply with this policy before seeking advisement and all visitors must show picture identification.

Surgical Technology Students

 Students in this program receive academic advisement by appointment. 

Accepted students in the Surgical Technology program who are ready to take Surgical Technology I (as well as those student who need to repeat Surgical Technology I), should complete the Surgical Technology Advisement Appointment form.

Contact the Program Director Brian Barboza at (518) 629-8179 for advisement details.

Nursing Students

Health Records

All students in the department must have the Health Science Physical Form (PDF) and the Student Immunization Form (PDF) filled out and brought to the Health Services office by Aug. 1. Failure to do so can possibly delay your clinical start for the semester.

NOTE: As indicated on the Student Immunization Form (PDF), all students in the School of Health Sciences are also required to have a two-step Mantoux if their last Mantoux test was more than 12 months ago (NO EXCEPTIONS).

Academic Advisement

The Nursing program day option (NUR) is structured as a two-year full-time model with core/clinical nursing courses beginning with the first semester you are accepted to the Nursing program.

The Nursing program evening option (NIR) is structured as a four-year part-time model with core/clinical nursing courses beginning two years after the point of acceptance. For example, if you are accepted to the fall 2021 class, your Nursing I clinical may not begin until fall 2023 and your graduation date will be May 2025 regardless of courses completed in the program unless a seat becomes available. There is no guarantee a seat will become available.

The Nursing One-Year Advanced Option (NUA) is structured as a one-year full-time model that begins in the summer for students who have been the entrance requirements.

Accepted students in NUR, NIR and NUA programs who are ready to take Nursing I (as well as those student who need to repeat Nursing I), should complete the Nursing I Advisement Appointment form.

NOTE: Students getting ready to take or needing to repeat Nursing II, III or IV will be notified of advisement by the department chair.

Advisement Verification Number (AVN)

Due to the specific sequence of coursework needed to complete this degree program, the department does not distribute AVNs to Nursing I and Nursing II students. Nursing III and Nursing IV students will be given AVNs once they complete and sign the Advisement Contact Form containing advised courses and complete the appropriate form. General information about AVNs.

Student and Advisor Relationship

Advisors assist you in successfully planning and completing your academic degree or certificate program. As a student, you can expect your advisor to:

  • Suggest courses that are consistent with your degree program and educational goals.
  • Review your academic record and note your progress toward your degree.
  • Evaluate all transcripts from other collegiate institutions to identify transfer credit.
  • Answer your questions regarding academic policies that may affect your attendance at 麻豆影视.
  • Maintain a record of degree progress and all pertinent issues discussed.

You can make the most of your college experience by becoming actively involved in the advisement process. You are expected to:

  • Schedule and keep your advisement appointments.
  • Be prepared to discuss educational plans, course selections, academic progress and other concerns or questions.
  • Be aware of policies, procedures, requirements, and deadlines in the Student Handbook and College Catalog.
  • Complete paperwork for course withdrawals, curriculum changes and degree applications in a timely manner.
  • Research plans for transfer or employment through the Center for Careers and Transfer.
  • Keep records of your educational progress and plans.
  • Speak with your advisor, as necessary, with questions about your degree program.

Follow-up on Appointment (if necessary):
You are encouraged to stop by the department at any time with questions about your education. You can walk in and make an appointment to meet with your academic advisor.

While advisors are particularly busy during peak registration periods, add/drop week, and the second half of the semester, your questions are important and we will make every effort to give your questions our best attention.

NOTE: We do NOT offer phone or email advisement sessions.

Get in Touch

Department or program information:

Jodi Dorrough
Fitzgibbons Health Technologies Center, Room 236

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Summer 2024 Hours (May 20 - July 26): Monday – Thursday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Friday, Closed

Program admission information:

Guenther Enrollment Services Center, Room 223